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Welcome to TheCollegeForU! We aim to help you invest in a college degree at a school that best fits your lifestyle and prepares you to earn a more rewarding career.


Prepare for a better career by finding correct Area of Study which will help connecting you with accredited colleges.

Did you know?

  • There are 53 U.S. online colleges that offer only online classes and degree programs.
  • A little over 50% of all U.S. colleges and universities offer online classes and degrees.
  • Nearly 35% of college students (6.9 million) are taking at least one online class.
  • About 16.6% (3.3 million) of all college students are taking 100% of their courses online.
  • Online college enrollment grew by 17% between 2012-2016 despite overall higher education enrollments dropping by 4.4% in that same time period.

The number of programs and classes offered online are increasing. Over 12% of college programs in the U.S. are now offered online. Additionally, about 50% of colleges now offer online courses. Of those colleges, 47% offer undergraduate-level online courses and 25% offer graduate-level online courses.

Find Schools Near You

Accounting & Finance

An accounting degree can fast-track you into the world of finance and due to its broad application, accounting graduates have a vast array of employment opportunities upon graduation.

Business Management

If you know you want to pursue a career in the wide world of business but have yet to decide which of the many routes is right for you, a General Business degree could be a great start to a rewarding career.


If you're interested in the medical industry, want a broad education that can open doors to a professional career across the many branches of healthcare.

Computer Technology

If you're looking for a career in the technology sector, want to spend your life creating the software degree in Software Development may be the perfect fit for you.

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Degree Programs



A certificate is a postsecondary vocational certification and usually takes a shorter amount of time to earn than a diploma. A diploma is an achievement that comes from the completion of a single area of interest after completing classes on a specific program, which often includes hands-on training.

Associate Degree

An associate degree is a two-year undergraduate degree for a specific course of study granted by post-secondary education institutions.

Bachelor’s Degree

A bachelor's degree bachelor's degree, also called baccalaureate, is an undergraduate degree typically completed within a four-year timeframe at a college or university.

Master’s Degree

A master's degree is a graduate degree that allows students to build upon their Bachelor's studies and apply their knowledge in various specialized contexts within their field.

Doctorate Degree

The PhD degree is an abbreviation for a Doctor of Philosophy. It is the highest research-based academic degree awarded in the United States. It is usually pursued by those who wish to enter academia as professors.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can a degree impact one's earning potential?

People who earn degrees tend to earn more than those without a degree. Throughout a lifetime this can translate into significantly higher earnings and financial stability.

2. What advantages do degree holders have in the job market?

Many professions require candidates with degrees, making it an entry-level necessity for certain roles. Additionally, having a degree can give job seekers a competitive edge, demonstrating commitment, expertise, and a broader skill set.

3. Are there personal development benefits to pursuing a degree?

Absolutely. Higher education fosters critical thinking, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills. It also exposes students to diverse ideas and cultures, contributing to holistic personal growth.

4. Can a degree offer opportunities beyond just employment?

Definitely. Universities and colleges are centers for networking, offering connections with professors, alumni, and industry professionals. This can lead to research opportunities, collaborations, internships, and mentorship.

5. How does higher education contribute to lifelong learning?

Earning a degree develops a mindset of pursuing your passion. An academic environment instills a habit of continuous learning, making degree holders more adaptable to advancing careers and encouraging them to stay updated and informed throughout their lives.


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Saul Goodman

Ceo & Founder

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Sara Wilsson


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Store Owner

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Matt Brandon


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John Larson


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