Information Technology (IT)

What is an Information Technology (IT) degree?


A degree in Information Technology (IT) prepares students for success in technology-oriented careers. The online information technology course refines and develops the student’s IT education in all aspects of technical knowledge. An IT degree will provide you with an overall knowledge in information technology, without having to be an expert in one particular topic before diving into your studies.


Information Technology Certificate & Degree Options:


* Certificate & completion time: approximately one year

* Associate degree & completion time: approximately two years

* Bachelor’s degree & completion time: approximately four years

* Master’s degree & completion time: approximately one-and-a-half to two years


What skills will I learn in an IT program?


Students will develop and expand on basic and complex computer skills which will be needed when pursuing a career in technology.  The wide variety of IT programs needed to secure a certificate &/or degree will equip the student with a solid knowledge base, further ensuring success in any branch within an IT career path:


Master the ability to process complex logic

Use critical thinking to analyze and interpret technological challenges

Investigate multiple approaches to determining solutions


What does my future in IT hold?


The well roundedness of online coding bootcamp and other technology degrees opens the door to all aspects of your IT/ computer career. Such careers include:


Careers in Technology Innovation:

 Software developer

Create and develop applications on all devices

Create and develop the fundamental systems that allow for the function of devices


Web Developer

* Create and develop websites specific to the customer’s needs


Careers in IT Engineering:

* Computer engineering
                 > Establish computer hardware systems

* Software engineering


Other Lucrative IT Career Paths:

* Network and database management

* Computer Database administrator


Why Pursue A Degree in Information Technology?


*We are living in a digital era.  Computer coding, software development, and system designing have infiltrated most areas of our lives. Developers create software that people use daily.


*The computer programming field, including networking and database management, can secure higher salaries than average careers.


A diploma in information technology gives you the ability to work across many different industries.